29 lines
821 B

# Formats Exposed
To develop, start a static file server in `public/`. There is no build step.
To deploy, copy the files from `public/` to a static file host.
To run tests, run `deno test`.
To format code, run `deno fmt`.
To lint, run `deno lint`.
To run type checks, run `deno task typecheck`.
To run all checks (tests, linting, code formatting, and type checks), run
`deno task check-all`.
## Code style
- Make sure all checks pass with `deno task check-all`.
- Prefer arrow functions.
- `throw` should be used when the developer makes a mistake, not for "expected"
errors. For example, if someone uploads a bogus file, that shouldn't throw an
- Bad news first:
- If a function returns `null` if an error case, define the type
`null | Result`, not `Result | type`.
- Test error cases first.