The last few stragglers of server setup

This commit is contained in:
Ben Visness 2021-09-04 16:57:16 -05:00
parent a42973c3cb
commit b70ae9a3c5
2 changed files with 79 additions and 73 deletions

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chmod 775 $CINERA_SCRIPT_PATH/data

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@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ SCRIPT
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Run this script again when you're done - it will continue where it left off."
exit 0
savecheckpoint 81
@ -252,7 +251,6 @@ if [ $checkpoint -lt 100 ]; then
cp /home/hmn/hmn/src/config/config.go.example /home/hmn/hmn/src/config/config.go
cp /home/hmn/hmn/server/hmn.conf.example /home/hmn/hmn/server/hmn.conf
cp /home/hmn/hmn/server/deploy.conf.example /home/hmn/hmn/server/deploy.conf
cp /home/hmn/hmn/adminmailer/config.go.example /home/hmn/hmn/adminmailer/config.go
cp /home/hmn/hmn/cinera/cinera.conf.sample /home/hmn/hmn/cinera/cinera.conf
chown hmn:hmn /home/hmn/hmn/src/config/config.go
@ -298,79 +296,82 @@ SCRIPT
cat <<HELP
Everything has been installed, but before you can run the site, you will need
to edit several config files:
Everything has been successfully installed!
${BLUE_BOLD}Caddy${RESET}: /home/caddy/Caddyfile
${BLUE_BOLD}===== Next steps =====${RESET}
Get an API token from Cloudflare and add it to the Caddyfile to allow the
ACME challenge to succeed. The token must have the Zone / Zone / Read and
Zone / DNS / Edit permissions (as laid out in the following links).
First, make sure you have everything on your path:
source ~/.bashrc
${BLUE_BOLD}Edit the Caddy config${RESET}
Get an API token from Cloudflare. The token must have the Zone / Zone / Read and
Zone / DNS / Edit permissions (as laid out in the following links).
Add the Cloudflare token to allow the ACME challenge to succeed, and add
the correct domains. (Don't forget to include both the normal and wildcard
Then edit the Caddyfile:
Also, in the CGI config, add the name of the Git branch you would like to
use when deploying. For example, a deployment of the beta site should use
the 'beta' branch.
vim /home/caddy/Caddyfile
${BLUE_BOLD}Website${RESET}: /home/hmn/hmn/src/config/config.go
Add the Cloudflare token to allow the ACME challenge to succeed, and add
the correct domains. (Don't forget to include both the normal and wildcard
First make sure you have Go on your path:
Also, in the CGI config, add the name of the Git branch you would like to
use when deploying. For example, a deployment of the beta site should use
the 'beta' branch.
source ~/.bashrc
${BLUE_BOLD}Edit the website config${RESET}
Then edit the config file using a special make task:
Edit the config file using a special make task:
make edit-config
Fill out everything, then rebuild the site:
Fill out everything, then rebuild the site:
make build
You don't need to deploy the site yet; wait until you've
configured everything.
You don't need to deploy the site yet; wait until you've
configured everything.
${BLUE_BOLD}HMN Environment Vars${RESET}: /home/hmn/hmn/server/hmn.conf
${BLUE_BOLD}Edit HMN environment vars${RESET}
First, go to GitLab and add a webhook with a secret. Set it to trigger on
push events for the branch you are using for deploys.
First, go to GitLab and add a webhook with a secret. Set it to trigger on
push events for the branch you are using for deploys.
Then, edit the above file and fill in all the environment vars, including
the secret value from the GitLab webhook.
Then, edit the following file and fill in all the environment vars, including
the secret value from the GitLab webhook:
${BLUE_BOLD}Cinera${RESET}: /home/hmn/hmn/cinera/cinera.conf
Add the correct domain.
${BLUE_BOLD}Configure s3cmd${RESET}
${BLUE_BOLD}s3cmd${RESET}: /home/hmn/.s3cfg
Edit the following file:
Add the DigitalOcean Spaces credentials, and ensure that the bucket info is correct.
${BLUE_BOLD}Admin mailer${RESET}: /home/hmn/hmn/adminmailer/config.go
Add the DigitalOcean Spaces credentials, and ensure that the bucket info is correct.
First make sure you have Go on your path:
${BLUE_BOLD}Configure Cinera${RESET}
source ~/.bashrc
Edit the following file, adding the correct domain:
Fill in the config file and build the mailer:
${BLUE_BOLD}Configure the admin mailer${RESET}
Fill in the config file and build the mailer:
cd /home/hmn/hmn/adminmailer
vim config.go
go build -o /usr/bin/adminmailer .
${BLUE_BOLD}===== Next steps =====${RESET}
Make sure you have everything on your path:
source ~/.bashrc
Download and restore a database backup:
${BLUE_BOLD}Download and restore a database backup${RESET}
make download-database
@ -378,21 +379,22 @@ Download and restore a database backup:
cd ~
hmn migrate --list
hmn seedfile <your backup file> <ID of initial migration>
hmn migrate
Restore static files:
${BLUE_BOLD}Restore static files${RESET}
make restore-static-files
Set up Cinera:
${BLUE_BOLD}Set up Cinera${RESET}
cd /home/hmn/hmn/cinera
Start up Caddy:
${BLUE_BOLD}Start up Caddy${RESET}
systemctl start caddy
Then deploy the site:
${BLUE_BOLD}Deploy the site!${RESET}
make deploy