Education tech overview #47

opened 2022-06-15 23:44:29 +00:00 by bvisness · 0 comments

This is the hub for technical planning / discussion around education initiative tech.

The education content is primarily composed of two things: the main articles, and the glossary.

Short list of features and what they require:

  • Main articles
    • Versioned Markdown content. @AsafGartner and I discussed reusing our post_version data but decided to just duplicate it and build a new thing. (Keeping this separate from posts avoids a lot of complexity bleed from forums / blogs.)
    • Markdown extensions. We need resources to be specially recognized and ultimately rendered with dynamic content based on the user's bookmarks. (The dynamic part could be JS.) We also probably want glossary links to show up in special ways, maybe with inline definition tooltips.
  • Glossary
    • Versioned Markdown content (same as main articles)
    • SEO needs: very good OpenGraph, links to main articles, backlinks from main articles
    • Search (can probably be pretty dumb)
      • Idea: unify the glossary term and search pages presentationally so people who arrive at the glossary can immediately try searching other terms. However, URLs must behave reasonably (JS history API, probably) and the initial page content must be purely static.
  • Supporting infrastructure
    • Permissions: content author (probably global across all educational content), beta tester, none.

Markdown extensions

  • Glossary links (may not require syntax)
  • Editor's notes (only visible to education authors)
  • Fancy links to resources
  • Table of contents?
This is the hub for technical planning / discussion around education initiative tech. The education content is primarily composed of two things: the main articles, and the glossary. Short list of features and what they require: - Main articles - Versioned Markdown content. @AsafGartner and I discussed reusing our `post_version` data but decided to just duplicate it and build a new thing. (Keeping this separate from posts avoids a lot of complexity bleed from forums / blogs.) - Markdown extensions. We need resources to be specially recognized ~~and ultimately rendered with dynamic content based on the user's bookmarks. (The dynamic part could be JS.)~~ We also probably want glossary links to show up in special ways, maybe with inline definition tooltips. - Glossary - Versioned Markdown content (same as main articles) - SEO needs: very good OpenGraph, links to main articles, backlinks from main articles - Search (can probably be pretty dumb) - Idea: unify the glossary term and search pages presentationally so people who arrive at the glossary can immediately try searching other terms. However, URLs must behave reasonably (JS history API, probably) and the initial page content must be purely static. - Supporting infrastructure - Permissions: content author (probably global across all educational content), beta tester, none. ## Markdown extensions - Glossary links (may not require syntax) - Editor's notes (only visible to education authors) - Fancy links to resources - Table of contents?
bvisness added this to the Education Initiative milestone 2022-06-15 23:44:29 +00:00
bvisness added the
label 2022-06-15 23:44:29 +00:00
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Reference: hmn/hmn#47
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