Redo site styles (and obliterate SCSS) #8

opened 2022-05-15 23:01:16 +00:00 by bvisness · 1 comment

Our site styles are looking old and drab, and we're not really happy with our style system any more:

  • libsass takes up the majority of our build time for marginal benefit (#46)
  • Our variable system does not take advantage of CSS variables, which at this point are supported everywhere
  • We have light and dark themes but they don't react to the system settings
  • SCSS is of marginal value now that we are taking a utility CSS approach in most places (resulting in shallower class hierarchies)

It's clear to me that we don't need SCSS at all any more, but I'm open to the idea of a simple custom preprocessor that can do things like arithmetic expressions.

It would not be worth going to all this effort to keep the same design, so we should pair this with an improved visual design, and a consistent set of UI components we can use across the site. This part needs to be worked out first.

Let's consider how to port our existing SCSS later. For now, let's just focus on building some better tools for our CSS work.

Our site styles are looking old and drab, and we're not really happy with our style system any more: - libsass takes up the majority of our build time for marginal benefit (#46) - Our variable system does not take advantage of CSS variables, which at this point are supported everywhere - We have light and dark themes but they don't react to the system settings - SCSS is of marginal value now that we are taking a utility CSS approach in most places (resulting in shallower class hierarchies) It's clear to me that we don't need SCSS at all any more, but I'm open to the idea of a simple custom preprocessor that can do things like arithmetic expressions. ~~It would not be worth going to all this effort to keep the same design, so we should pair this with an improved visual design, and a consistent set of UI components we can use across the site. This part needs to be worked out first.~~ Let's consider how to port our existing SCSS later. For now, let's just focus on building some better tools for our CSS work.
bvisness added the
label 2022-05-15 23:01:16 +00:00

(I had a preprocessor proposal here, but it has been moved to #59)

(I had a preprocessor proposal here, but it has been moved to #59)
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Reference: hmn/hmn#8
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